KNIFE crime statistics show numbers of offences involving blades and other sharp instruments now total 27,487 - a nine (9) per cent increase over 12 months most recently measured (to Sept 2015).
The ONS table below reports rises in various types of violence in England and Wales. With ruling governments always anxious to ensure they are the best party of 'law and order', this is damning evidence of considerable failure.
Soaring increase in violent crime levels |
Also notable are the huge amount of murders in the nation's capital city, London. Out of 574 killings, more than a quarter (26%) were carried out in and around the London, Thames and Essex region.
A rising level of gang-related activity is reported to be the main cause of violence nationwide, a statement which requires greater examination given the governmental politics of crime.
Map shows murders in police force regions to 9/2014 to 9/2015 |
For full details of the latest UK crime data, please view the comprehensive Independent report online at this
crime news page