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Sunday, September 14, 2008

People's March Against Knife Crime

A couple of things I've finally got around to covering:

The People's March Against Knife Crime
(Facebook link for info)

After a very important meeting with Scotland Yard last week all the march details have been confirmed and are 100% correct.

20TH SEPT 2008.
Two marches one cause.

North march Caledonian Park form up 10.00 am.
Marching at 10.30.

South march Kennington Park form up 10.00am
Marching at 10.30.

The South march may start a few mins later than the north depending on numbers.

The two marches will then meet and enter into Hyde Park through the Queen Mother Gate where a rally will be held.

The est time of arrival at Hyde Park is 1pm- 1.30 pm for the rally to start at 2pm till 4pm.

If anyone wants to go straight to Hyde Park then please start to get there for 1 pm, there will be stewards directing you.

And the other thing is about stabbings in Chichester, West Sussex...

Sussex Police had said there wasn't a knife problem in this county - so, sure enough, you've guessed it... there's been a major stabbing fight (visit this link). I rest my case.

1 comment:

  1. I must confess, I am largely ignorant on this issue, but what would you propose the government doing about people carrying knives. I mean, outside of major metro areas, is this not normal? Sure, people shouldn't carry any kind of weapons on trams, but what about in their everyday lives. Do you seriously want the government in your pockets literally, rather than metaphorically?


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