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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Knife crime statistics
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Bullying and knife crime - 'lower level' violence
BULLYING - 'lower-level' violence - hasn't been covered before on this knife crime blog. Why is that?
Because it's subtle. It can be very subtle... so seeing the connection(s) can be difficult.
Let's see how this blog post goes, or we can add bits and pieces about this and other 'lower level' violence info over the days, weeks, months ahead. We've got loads of time.
Here's an interesting few snippets about bullying:
Bullying in life
Bullying can be perpetrated by teachers and the school system itself (or other systems, or certain people, or gangs (criminal gangs e.g the mafia - this links goes to 'The British connection: Italian mafia finds UK good for doing business', a Guardian article - maybe the UK will get like this murdered Italian), gangs of workmates, and/or maybe just gangs of friends). There is an inherent power differential in 'the system' (or in gangs, or even between friends, I suggest) that can easily predispose to subtle or covert abuse (relational aggression or passive aggression), humiliation, or exclusion — even while maintaining overt commitments to anti-bullying policies.
Another way to consider how this might play out - or be playing out - in the UK:
A society that produces Mafia ('società mafiogena') - and 'omerta' - does so for many reasons: many people consider violence and illegality like survival e.g.
- Means and ways of acquiring a social role;
- Violence and illegality are usually unpunished;
- The legal economy is too weak to offer substantial opportunities (this is seen all around the UK now, right?);
- The State and the institutions are seen as distant and foreign - but then sometimes strangely approachable through the mediation of the mafiosi and their friends.
- etc.
The struggles against the Mafia (in Italy / Sicily) have been lost, the people believe, and the consequences for many people are the mistrust and the belief that it is impossible to change the situation, social life is lacking because of a crisis of political parties, an insufficient role for trade unions, and civil society is too weak and precarious etc.
Mafia is a form of totalitarian state and its peculiarity is the territorial control ('signoria territoriale'), from the economy to politics, to private life. For the Mafia rights don't exist, there are only favours.
If intimidation, threats of death, omerta etc aren't bullying (in its worst form), I don't know what is.
Bullying at work
Workplace bullying seems mild in comparison but can be "repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with work or some combination of the three."
Statistics show bullying is 3 times as likely as illegal discrimination and at least 1,600 times as prevalent as workplace violence.
Statistics also show that while only one employee in every 10,000 becomes a victim of workplace violence, one in six experiences bullying at work. Bullying is a little more common than sexual harassment but not verbal abuse which occurs more than bullying.
That's how it's written on Wikipedia. Wikipedia also describes the history of bullying thus:
"High-level forms of violence such as assault and murder usually receive most media attention, but lower-level forms of violence such as bullying, has only in recent years started to be addressed by researchers, parents and guardians and authority figures."
Knife crime, gun crime, violence in UK society, the world - and bullying. It makes you wonder if bullying is the essence of that thing we call 'evil' - certainly evil is there in bullying. The links seem obvious... but then it seems subtle. Hmmm, let me think, think, think (said Winnie the Pooh, tapping his head)... there's some answers in here somewhere.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Latest stabbing statistics: slow progress (Dec 09)?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Business - Criminal, hurtful acts in commerce...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
You little Knife carrier... You little Savage... You little Nothing
"You little Thief... you little Savage... you little Nightmare... you little Nothing... you little Girl... You little Slug... You've taken Everything... You let me Love you... Don't you feel Uneasy..."
You saw me stumbling, you watched me fall, you left me bleeding, shattered and broken. How does it feel to make someone die, to make families and friends cry by killing or wounding? You little knife carrier (and who sold or gave you the knife?)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Knife crime on X-Factor could help solve the problems
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Knife crime blogging - and peacefully tackling violence
When it started, there were three main aims which haven't changed that much (although the scope may have crept a little):
1. To be a living, breathing memorial to Jacky Marshall, a supervisor who worked at a McDonalds in Chichester (a fast food restaurant in Chichester Gate). She was fatally stabbed on a busy Saturday lunchtime in April 2005 in front of a packed restaurant with some children's parties in full swing. A shocking and deeply disturbing event. (Read about the Crown Court trial and conviction here.)
My two daughters loved her. She was simply the best person we've ever known work in a fast food restaurant. She used to fuss over the girls and other children, always giving them balloons and toys whenever we popped in for 'happy meals'.
2. To be a useful online resource, always on 24x7, packed with information and news for anyone interested in trying to stop this scourge afflicting the UK (and other countries) and to try to make society safer.
I focus on making it contemporary, relevant, sometimes (perhaps often) controversial to generate views, and have aimed to carefully select online resources about knife crime to inform and help with the debate, as well as help people afflicted.
Wherever possible I aim to more intelligently interpret knife crime developments better than the often time-pressed, soundbite style of the mainstream media that most of us experience.
As time has gone on, there is much more information now available elsewhere. I aim to provide links to this - but I write this knife crime blog in my spare time so I'm conscious of missing things. That said, I believe it is still highly relevant to informing and tackling issues associated with violent crime. (And let me know if there's something you think I should take a look at.)
Over time, I've also focused a little on gun crime, other violence and war (as well as peace!), as well as societal issues that seem to precipitate violent crime such as the apparently greed-ridden world of high (and not so high) finance, profit-obsessed corporations, even MPs' expenses. (I'd even say Simon Cowell has much to answer for with his disparaging, demotivating comments on X-Factor. Better to work with and help people than relentlessly criticise, surely.
Two important areas I'm conscious need more in-depth exploration are poverty and organised crime. Watch this space for more on that. If you have any documents / links etc about this issue and its connections to violence, use of knives and guns etc, please send them to me.
3. I place some focus on those that carry knives. These people seem to experience some power and control when they carry knives. I think it important that those carrying knives need to know it is not tolerated by our society - and that no-one thinks they are powerful in any way... rather, they are fools. There is no kudos or an ounce of credibility carrying a knife.
It’s just plain stupid, idiotic.That said, these people are a danger to innocent people; they threaten our lives, so disarming them must be handled with care.
What I’d say to people is visit this blog and make contributions. I work in online and search marketing so have worked to ensure the blog is easy to find on the Internet – just go to Google or Yahoo and type in three words 'knife crime blog'. The blog is usually in #1 position in the search engine results pages.
Read a few posts and click on the various links to websites that I’ve placed there; then just think about what you could do. Then I’d say simply do something peaceful to add to what is a massive groundswell out there against violent crime.
- Perhaps offer comfort by writing to those affected or commenting on blogs
- Report criminal acts to the police (anonymously if necessary via Crimestoppers)
- Maybe you could find an opportunity to influence knife carriers through youth work
- You can even light virtual candles in memory of those who have died from knife, gun or related gang crime. Why not do that? Every little helps I reckon.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
You Must Not Kill - A Meditation
We're sorry if it doesn't provide all the answers and take away such pain. We pray and hope it helps some at least. Do send me a few lines to improve this if you think of anything, anything at all - this meditation can be improved to better help, we're sure.
And a message from heaven just came... God gently, closely spoke to me. It was a clear voice, distinct.
He told me about how much he cared for my life - and he also understood how people couldn't understand this because I had died, killed by mindless violence on that terrible day, a day etched on memories, scarring the minds and lives of those I love - family and friends who loved me and still do - as well as others.
And I turned to him, full of sadness, to ask him about what happened...
"Did I disappoint you or let you down that you should let me die this way, that I had to leave my friends and family without even saying goodbye?"
When I asked this question, he sighed deeply and also with deep sadness tried but struggled to explain...
"Your life was special, given by eternal right," he said. "It is against my law for it to be taken by another human being.
"I remember you forming in the womb, your first heartbeat, those little fingers that I let rest against my invisible hand. I was there with you even then.
"It was then that you touched my heart, you touched my omnipotent soul - you always have. I am touched by every new life of creation, always. And I also knew what you could grow to be. Imagine that.
"From that moment, you changed my life. Because I loved you even then, especially then, especially now.
"My heart soared because you were now alive, breathing and living. I brushed your face and held your head, softly, invisibly - so exciting that you were here.
"And then you grew, I watched your steps - and saw the difficulties you faced, some great times - and the odd injustice. Helped at times... sometimes I did, while your loved ones, friends and family did more.
"On that fateful day, you were injured to point of death - and quietly, slowly I eased you away from, perhaps, a difficult life or a life of great promise. Into my care and the care of old friends, family - and my family."
And I realised God couldn't really answer my question. That was my life and someone took it - I always think now that my life now stands to remind others that you must not kill.
Goodbye my friends, my wife, my husband, my mum, my dad, my sister and brother. 'Au revoir' you all, see you again one day. Until then, take care of your life and the lives of those around you. xxx
Monday, November 23, 2009
Destruction of men in their prime - by knives, guns and other weapons
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Daence, music, no knives and no crime - ever?
'Don't Shank Just Skank' - Adam Deacon talks knives and knife crime (
Adulthood and Kidulthood star points out there are other options in life rather than picking up / carrying a knife. Knives and professionalism don't mix. "Don't Shank Just Skank" - out now. Worth buying to help maybe.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tackling (knife) crime's causes - New FSA powers coming...
[Am putting together a more thoughtful piece for next (all being well) knife crime blog post...] Keep the faith, people.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Remembrance Sunday... For armed forces who have died
"THEY shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning... We will remember them." - You can read The Fallen poem here.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Current UK political corruption harms knife crime, gun crime and anti-violence campaiging
By far the strongest illustration of this, as far as knife and other crime is concerned, is former (and disgraced) Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Her perverse moral leadership (claiming huge sums of taxpayers money for a second home as well as the porn video fiasco) left the Home Office rudderless at a time when the anti-violence campaigners were building some momentum. I'm not saying that momentum has gone for good - but the behaviour of MPs like Jacqui Smith has hampered the work of so many families, crime victims etc at a time when they needed people with power to help them push for required change. This is much more than letting people down. Reflect on that Ms Smith and for God's sake... resign. Get a proper job and see how you get on there.
At the same time and for the same reasons, co-ordinated attempts, communications and PR efforts to highlight and tackle violent crime seem to have fallen by the wayside to some degree because politicians have demonstrated time and again that they are more interested in themselves, their salaries, commercial interests, etc, rather than those people suffering in the midst of a violent culture.
With the Government and opposition parties in disarray due to the corrupt parliamentarian compensation system they have been happy to be part of for years, these ego-centred MPs (I can't call them public servants - they haven't served, they have stolen) continue to demonstrate more interest in themselves than victims of crime and the issue of violent crime, sadly.
All this goes beyond words - these people have lost sight of principles and morals. They have literally been "fiddling while Rome (the UK) burns". Are we seriously going to let any of these intrinsically corrupt people to administer our hard-earned taxes from now on?
This week there has been the publication of more worrying knife crime statistics and a terrible stabbing attack which further highlights a lack of impetus to tackle this key law and order issue.
A church volunteer was stabbed trying to protect children from a gang of marauding youths - awful that this can happen on UK streets. If this continues, I can see a rise of vigilantism in communities because there is insufficient capability to police - a problem Jackie Smith would normally be fixing - but she can't... she's lost any public mandate to address this.
So where are the country's leaders at this time? I don't think there are any good leaders now. Everyone's gone to ground trying to work out how to keep their jobs at the next election rather than tackle crime and violence. It's disgraceful. Someone needs to be pushing the police and law enforcement authorities to do more. Instead, we now have ineptitude and complacency creeping in.
Jackie Smith and her ilk need to reflect on facts like that when adopting an apologetic tone in front of cameras and the media. All their selfish, materialist grasping has led to a crisis that has undoubtedly led to more suffering for crime victims and those trying to tackle this scourge of violence around us. Now we have to wait while Alan Johnson gets up to speed - and I noticed today that he's winding up people already, making all the scientists walk out.
Jacqui Smith and others like her taking vast amounts of cash etc are a disgrace to hard working, honest citizens such as these. We don't need people like these in public life, we don't want to see them. Why are they hanging around? We just want them to f-ing clear off.
To my mind, having a vote at election time is not sufficient. The voters need to hold MPs to account more often and more effectively than at election time. Their complicit acceptance of a corrupt expenses and payment system over many years makes them unfit to govern.
Those MPs with a conscience need to re-appraise and better assess their priorities. Some are maybe trying to do this (ever the optimist) - but such change is hardly shining through the darkness, is it?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Arrests after BBC racism Panorama film
Details on the BBC website about two held after the racism exposé
Monday, October 19, 2009
Racism - watch it on BBC Panorama... what are you doing about it?
Words can't describe how I felt watching this. No wonder reporter Tamanna Rahman was crying and fearful. She was smashed in the face and victim of an attempted mugging, among other abuse.
Just watch and read to be horrified:
BBC Panaroma film on racism and anti-social behaviour in Bristol
Soon we hope Sean Ganderton is locked away behind bars (in fact, that should happen this very night, else there's no justice in this country), and 11-year-old Sonny Clark faces some public authority 'intervention'. That's two names to watch out for and avoid in the future.
(If you are a friend of Sean Ganderton on Facebook, I trust you will quietly leave his friendship network.)
Why name Sonny Clark, aged 11? Because he threatened to knife Tamanna. He is a killer in the making, surely.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Anne Frank and the Stephen Lawrence stabbing
Anne Frank... recognise that name? Today, the full impact of murder most foul, undescribable evil - and knife crime - hit home in a powerful way. Anne was the German Jewish teenager killed by the Nazi machine in World War Two.
I saw the full horror of the Holocaust in just a few words and evocative images of an era not so long ago - when human beings slaughtered others because they were Jewish, or judged to not be as able-bodied as others.
It was shocking and made me angry inside.
You know, Nazis or concentration camp 'staff' threw poison crystals into the shower areas that vaporised into poisonous gas that took up to 20 minutes to kill all in the those showers?
What sort of person, gang - or political faction - does that?
For some reason, I understood why men and women in Britain took up arms to defend our people from such despicable activities by the Nazi regime - and other sick-minded folk, no doubt.
Where was all this revealed? Would you believe it was at an exhibition in my home town, Chichester, in a small corner of quiet place where people can reflect. I saw the history of the Holocaust brought to terrible life alongside the writings and daily activities of a virtually imprisoned Anne Frank.
Then the exhibition confronts some of the worrying social issues confronting modern Britain today including knife crime, gun crime and racism.
A memorial to Stephen Lawrence, the young black teenager believed to have been killed by white racists, rests on one wall of the display, testament to a quite peaceful fight for justice this country has rarely seen.
Anne Frank wrote in her diary: “I want to go on living even after my death!”
And so she is - her thoughts are working their way through the whole world via this exhibition and the Internet.
- You will stand up for what is right and speak out against what is unfair and wrong.
- You will try to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
- You will strive for a world in which our differences will make no difference – a world in which everyone is treated fairly and has an equal chance in life.
When I criticise people who are racist, fighters, criminals, I know I make myself a target for potential malice and a vent for their irritation, even violent anger. My being a thorn in the side or a pain in the neck, however, is like nothing compared to a blade in the abdomen or a knife used to carve and disfigure a human body - or face.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Will business stop killing UK - and world - society?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Biology's part in knife, gun and other crime
... I just spotted that the links in the post to the scientific evidence are not 'live' so here they are for your reference:
'Warrior Gene' linked to gang membership
Ethnic factors - Black, Asian, White, Japanese etc testosterone levels
Cognitive factors
Please let me know what you think too.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Trick knives bought by children
Friday, August 21, 2009
How to treat knife and gun criminals who maim and murder
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Violent crime - Loss of loved ones
tribute to the Notorious B.I.G. He was once a drug dealer - but putting
that disturbing issue aside - I could feel myself welling up as this touching, poignant song about the violent death of a friend.
"What a life to take, what a bond to break..."
See what you think. It helped me grieve a little more as I recalled the stabbing I tried to stop. Maybe it will help you.
Lyrics are below for you to mull on. To hear the song, play the You
Tube video below or click this link if you have a mobile device -
Verse One: Puff Daddy
(Yeah... this right here... goes out to everyone who has lost someone they
truly love)
Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
I laced the track, you locked the flow
So far from hangin on the block for dough
Notorious, they got to know that
Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh)
Words can't express what you mean to me
Even though you're gone, we still a team
Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right)
In the future, can't wait to see
If you open up the gates for me
Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)
Try to black it out, but it plays again
When it's real, feelings hard to conceal
Can't imagine all the pain I feel
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living your life, after death
Chorus: Faith Evans
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Verse Two: Puff Daddy
[Puff] I miss you Big
It's kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts Big I just can't define (can't define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still can't believe you're gone (can't believe you're gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living you're life, after death
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Faith Evans:
Somebody tell me why
One Black Morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face
112 Outro:
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] Every day that passes
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Is a day that I get closer
[Puff] To seeing you again
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] We miss you Big... and we won't stop
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Cause we can't stop... that's right
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] We miss you Big
Faith Evans:
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Rio Ferdinand and pro footballers anti-knife campaign
Happen' anti-knife campaign launched by the England football team's
Rio Ferdinand, David Beckham and David James?
I saw Rio quoted recently saying, "Communities need to play a bigger
part. Boredom can set in. There is a lot of peer pressure and then
something happens that everyone regrets."
Commendable comment and sentiment but I haven't noticed much else. Let
me know if you've seen any updates on this one - I'd like to think
this campaign could be helping more. Or what do you think?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
BBC knife crime interviews and blog posts
- WISH politicians would stop electioneering and arguing in public about knife crime and work together on solving the issue.25 minutes ago from BeTwittered
- INTERVIEW is now being used on BBC radio as a news item - wanted to suggest the UK appoints a knife and gun crime tsar to the problem.26 minutes ago from BeTwittered
- BBC interview done - confusion reigns over the current knife crime figures, I said. Think you can listen to it again at minutes ago from BeTwittered
- THE BBC are calling me in 20 minutes to do an interview on knife crime - anyone out there want me to make their point in the discussion?about 1 hour ago from web
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Knife crime statistics - what's going on? And the politicians are trying to get votes...
Something funny is going on with knife crime figures.
According to the Telegraph, official figures show police recorded 38,082 serious violent or sexual knife offences last year - amounting to 104 every day.
But the previous year's figure was 25,013 - that looks like a 50 per cent rise. Apparently, the Home Office is taking a more detailed look at knife crimes, we're told, so ministers have changed the way crimes are measured
I think this means officials have realised knife crime was being under reported, buried away in other crime figures perhaps.
That said, convictions for carrying a knife have risen over 60 per cent from 3805 (1998) to 6169 (2007) has increased by more than half in ten years, it has been revealed.
Interesting that more people are being convicted - but are more people also carrying, and using, knives in these times?
Long may the crackdown on knife carriers and stabbers continue though - but the crime fighters need to communicate and get their act together better.
To text a stabber, try the Crimestoppers service. And don't forget to vote in the poll at the top of the page on whether you would buy or be ok about using the potentially safer 'anti-stab knife'.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Call to ban knife sales by Trading Standards
"Trading standards chiefs have called for a blanket ban on the sale of knives over the internet. Online retailers have ignored repeated warnings to stop selling them to children, the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) said.
"Mystery shopper research found as many as four out of five online stores were prepared to sell knives to children aged under 18, and in one case a 15-year-old boy was able to purchase four knives, including a large machete, using a debit card..."
Read the full 'anti knife crime' story about the call for a ban on blade sales by TSI
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Vote now - Opinion poll on anti-stab knives
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New anti-stab knives - coming soon!

Congratulations to John Cornock, inventor of the new anti-stab knife set to go on sale across the UK before Christmas (can't it be sooner...). Wonder how many lives it could save?
By utilising a unique "combination tip", the tip has a rounded edge (much like my thoughts referred to in a knife crime blog post a couple of years ago) next to a very small point, the cutting blade sits below the blunt area.
Friday, June 12, 2009
George Kinsella on knife crime and sentencing of his son Ben's killers - video
Mr Kinsella said: "How many families like ours will have to stand on the street outside the Old Bailey to get justice?
"Knife crime is now sadly embedded in the heart of Great Britain, always running the lives of gangs and feral youths.
"Parents live in fear until their children are safely home. It could be a wrong word, a wrong look or the wrong postcode.
"In Ben's case, it was something which was nothing to do with him at all."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Knife crime statistics in the UK - round-up
Monday, May 25, 2009
Knife crime statistics for London - May 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
MP ignores anti-knife crime campaign
"Mike Gapes is the Labour MP for Ilford and this week I was in the town centre doing my anti-knife petition stall in the town centre.
"I will admit that yesterday was a poor day with only 76 people only signing the petition, but during the afternoon I saw Mr Gapes walking past my stall and I asked if he would back our knife campaign by signing the petition. But he told me "No" as he never signs petitions and just carried on walking not even showing any interest in the campaign.
"I was very suprised that somebody who works for my town could just walk past. I will admit that I did shout out to him that I bet he was quick to sign for his expenses."
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Are more young people now reporting the stabbers?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Contact any or all MPs with this e-tool
Friday, April 10, 2009
Anti-knife crime work on Facebook
Friday, March 20, 2009
BBC Panorama looks at knife crime
Monday, March 16, 2009
Press request for female crime victims
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hospital knife crime statistics show stabbings down
A total of 5,239 stab victims were admitted to NHS hospitals - including 609 youths aged under 18. This is 481 less than the 5,720 figure of 2007. See 'Knife injury hospital admissions down eight per cent'.
That number is still in the thousands but perhaps it shows that campaigning is having an effect. Imagine if no-one spoke out - knife use could be spiralling upwards.
In addition, more criminals who carry and/or use blades are being jailed. See 'More knife carrying criminals sentenced to prison'.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Knife crime and murder groups unite to help Wales
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
UK retailers to take knives off streets in campaign
- Knives will not be placed on open display.
- Signs about banning knife sales to teenagers are to be placed in stores.
- Under 18s buying knives are to be monitored.
- Information sharing is to be carried out with police.
- Theft prevention measures are to be more rigorously imposed to stop blades falling into the hands of young people.
- Reminders will be placed at tills for staff.
- Internet sales of knives to children to be tackled.
Gang culture is to be tackled too, outlawing gang colours and gang members associating with each other, and restrictions on travelling into areas they consider to be their territory. I wonder if this can work effectively though!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Mothers Against Violence North East - Stabbing video and group info, links
First, here's her 'Stop the Stabbings' video, produced for the UK government's Home Office:
Join the Mothers Against Violence North East Facebook group.
Also, I'm adding MAVNE to the resource section of this blog.
Here's the note from Theresa:
"Hi Mark, just had a quick look on your blog page. I found it to be very good, don't know how I haven't seen it before. My name's Theresa Cave (Mothers against Violence North East) and I wondered if you would add us to your page.
"Please take a look at the groups page and other groups I have also gone too. I have campaigned against knife crime since 2003 when I lost my son to the knife aged 17.
"It is a long hard fight which I feel needs more attention now more than ever although it has dropped ever so slightly of late in this area. I would like to know more about your work if it is possible and would like to invite you to see the campaign video that I did for the Home Office in the 'It Doesnt Have To Happen' campaign last year.
"The video is on YouTube Home Office site under 'Stop the Stabbings'. I also did the radio ad that is out now nationally.
"I feel very deeply on the subject and would welcome any advice / help you can offer me. I work around with youth in schools, colleges and uni and also have talked in attendance centres and the likes.
"If you know of any youth groups / organisations that would like me to visit them please let me know as distance to me is not an issue but getting the word across is a big one. Thanks for your time - hope to hear from you - bye, Theresa Cave."
And for your info, here's my reply. If anyone else is interested in posting information about their groups here, feel free to contact me:
"Hi Theresa - I'm just posting some info about your group on my blog - Do add a link to the blog from your site - it all helps get the word round etc.
"It is always upsetting when people get in touch about the death of a loved one from knife crime or other violence. I'm deeply sorry you lost Chris to this knife scourge we seem to be plagued with.
"I started this blog as a memorial to Jacky Marshall, a McDonalds manager I went to help when she was fatally stabbed on a Saturday lunchtime at Chichester. I also hoped - and still work to achieve - that the site could develop into a useful vehicle for effecting positive change in a UK culture seemingly obsessed by violence, at least at times.
"My time is limited and I do what I can. It's a gradual, drip, drip, drip approach. Personally, I think the campaign work you describe is excellent - by pressing on the way you have been is all about being part of 'the solution'. Don't wear yourself out, remember to conserve your energy as you chip away.
"As I come across people, groups, news, networks, initiatives etc I add the information to this blog. Keep an eye on it - sign up to regular emails in the box on the right hand side of the blog. I'll certainly point people in your direction, as and when.
"My mum's family are all from the north east - I know Redcar quite well and my Gran lives in Staithes, near Whitby! Small world! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
"Best wishes, Mark."
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Knife crime - text a stabber, Calzaghe + UK children report
This is terrific progress - observing the media spotlight being shined into all areas of the problem ensures the knife, gun and related violent crime debate is at the centre of things.
Thought I would highlight three key stories of the moment:
- This one deserves endorsement - Shop a stabber with mobile phone texting. Imagine... passing on details of knife carriers with a simple SMS text. This was first covered on this blog early last year (see Crimestoppers post). It's starting to take off on a bigger scale now. Come on everyone, get texting!
- Boxer Joe Calzaghe is urging children to turn away from knife crime. Another celebrity figure joins the (peaceful) fight to try to stop youngsters using blades on UK streets.
- Finally, this blog has never diverted from the belief that there must be some societal change - not just a simple focus on campaigning to get knives out of criminals hands. Thought-provoking then that an insightful report highlights the issues that children face struggling to grow up into an adult society that marginalises young people, leaving some with the feeling that picking up a knife is the only way to achieve some control over their lives.
Selfish pursuit of success threatens children in the UK - this report highlights that children are being damaged by the individualist and self-centred society they are forced to grow up in. As well as problems with family life such as broken homes and growing up with lone parents (and even advertising and alcohol), the Children's Society study singles out the adult pursuit of selfish ambition as a key factor that harms young people.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Minister joins Knife Crime blog criticism of arrogant bankers
Hope things change for the better. Tackling an inequitable work and life environment just might give some hope that knife crime, violent crime can be tackled at grass roots level, offering lifelines to the despairing and disenfranchised out there that it is worth working for a living. And I know this is idealism talking - imagine, some kind of heaven on earth. How daft am I...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Knife crime statistics - January 2009
Latest crime and knife crime statistics
Business is killing security and happiness in our society
Well, then the whole world financial system crashed - which, despite my prophetic-type comments, surprised the heck out of me!
Now, as the mess caused by a greedy financial system and money-obsessed business machine starts to roll out, causing abject misery for millions, there are still business people out there saying, "Glad I'm not among those poor little people struggling on next to nothing. Imagine, no job. Must be their fault. They need to get on their bike. I worked to get where I am, I deserve to be in a safe, secure position."
You know, the kind of selfish rhetoric that bounces round those self-interested types.
Well, it just occurred to me that perhaps it really is time that the high salaries, bonus mentality etc and the capitalist gearing that ensures corporations hoover money out of society, country economies etc, even poor and sick people's homes, must stop.
What gives someone the right to earn more than the nurse, dustman or the toilet cleaner? Better use of brain power? I'm not saying the lazy and criminal etc should be rewarded - some pushing, penalty and punishment is surely required at times.
But who says law-abiding, honest people, hard-working families, deserve so much less than the business people who are obsessed with the luxuries of life, at the expense of others?
More equality is required. Love is missing in the economy. I don't mean elimination of reward for good work. But it is obscene for a few to be able to acquire the trappings of massive wealth while others barely get by, perhaps starving or near the breadline.
I refer back to what I said a while back - those in authority, societal leaders, especially those at or near the top of the financial or wealth tree, need to realise the reponsibility they have to ensure a moral, accessible economic system that allows those in the poorer sections of society to aspire to better lives, to be able to do worthwhile work. In the current recession, livelihoods, skills, decent lives are being shattered and it's going to get worse.
At the moment, we have a prime, terrible example, how the so-called cleverest, best and honoured in society just stripped the system to a shambolic state barely deserving the words 'human'. What a bunch of bankers. Remembering this is a knife crime blog, it's worth considering the analogy that they may not hold the knife but they are at least partly responsible for the reasons why misery is caused, why crime happens and blades are in people's pockets.
Mind you, after saying all that, you must all realise that it can be pretty easy to rant on in this vein, casting about for some people or something to blame. I don't pretend to be highly knowledgeable about all of this but I can't help feeling that, despite all those great brains out there, we seem to be in a situation where the blind are leading the blind - straight into some pretty crap ditches.
I suppose, at the end of the day, if life was easy, we'd all be millionaires.